كورس متقدم في ريتوش Udemy- Advanced Beauty Retouching

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كورس متقدم في ريتوش Udemy – Advanced Beauty Retouching

كورس متقدم في ريتوش Udemy - Advanced Beauty Retouching
كورس متقدم في ريتوش Udemy – Advanced Beauty Retouching

معلومات عن الكورس

n this Beauty Retouching Course, I will show you my complete retouching workflow from A to Z. We will cover, over 90 mintues of pure beauty retouching, in 7 chapters and 22 Video Lessons. I will convey the basic knowledge of beauty retouching in the first chapters. Continuing with advanced skin retouching techniques, light control, dodge & burn, visual make-up and final touch-ups, which are displayed in the last chapters.

This course includes the following working files – PSD, RAW Files & Photoshop Actions

This Course Covers Topics Like:

Preparations – Raw Conversions | Double raw conversions | Workflow & help layers ” Notes ” | Working with layers and groups
Basic retouching – Facial Expression – Optimizing ” Liquifying tool ” | Retouching tools – Healing & Cloning tools | Basic – skin retouching techniques | Retouching Fine tune ” Hair & Eyes “
Skin Retouching – Advanced skin retouching part 1 & 2 | Applying new skin | Working with – Creative filters and masks | Working with – Adjustment layers
Painting with light – Working with dodge & burn tools | Working with dodge & burn techniques | Skin Corrections & Fine tune
Virtual Make-up – Lighten up eyes | Applying make-up | Applying lipgloss
Final Touch-up – Beauty effect with creative filters | High key effect with Extra Plugins | Final touchup & Control



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